Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cheers to Donna & Leo Dizon

We had one beautiful wedding to start our Summer (Arlan-Aleman Wedding)...and we finished with another memorable wedding to end it on Saturday, August 20, 2011 for Donna Megino and Leo Dizon.

When Courtney told me last Fall that she had another client lined up for us, my eyes lit up with excitement thinking to myself, "Perfect, another one we can add to to our C&C portfolio." Hey, it's a start. Donna is her name...a cousin of Lionel (Courtney's fiancee).

I met Donna for the first time when we had our initial consultation in late August 2010, and already I felt her free-spirited nature she carried with her. She has this easy-going aura, sweet and kind about everything. Throughout the planning, I learned more about her (her childhood illness she overcame and the things she had gone through that impacted her life growing up (Donna's video). Even gone through difficult times of healing, she grew to be a beautiful woman inside and out, and proudly carries her big dreams everywhere she goes, especially when it came to her wedding. She wanted it to be as special as the person she was going to special as her family and closest friends mean to her...and as special as her heart is and who God made her to be.

We worked with Donna closely month after month...which sometimes then turned into weekly chats as we approached the month of March. Leo, who was living in Virginia with a 3-hour time difference finally got on board to do our weekly chats at any odd hour. Soon after, we all were in sync with what was needed to get done. Yes, that's right, Virginia and yes, that's right, Donna lives here in California. And YES, for 7 years, they managed to stay in love and dedicated to one another clear across the country. Who does that? I'll tell you who...Donna & Leo. :) As you've heard it before "Absense makes the heart grow fonder" and oh, how they can testify to that. Their strength and stability is something we can all learn from.

When we got together with Donna, she already knew what her colors were and the guest list which stood roughly around 120. The colors she chose were beautiful (reminded me of a soft, yet fun and striking event to be had). Fuchsia is such a bold and vibrant color, so choosing tan, chocolate brown, and ivory as her accent colors made it a little less bold. This worked well for her flowers, as she wanted them to have that pop to radiate a fun, yet chic atmosphere. We went on a mission trying to find the perfect venue to fit her budget and finally after several and more inquiries to local bay area venues, Oakhurst Country Club nestled in beautiful Clayton, CA was the residing winner to accommodate their needs for their big day.


To work her budget a little more cleaner, Donna decided to opt and do her own flowers with the help of her gals in waiting. Not only did she save money with her florals by visiting the local flowermart, but she did an excellent job with her stationaries (invites, programs, namecards, table #'s).  Alot of DIY (including the ribbon wands that were waved during the reception in lieu of clinging glasses for the couple to kiss) was invovled and that made it even more personable and eventful.

She didn't want a typical sign-in area with a sign-in book, so she created two photo albums from Shutterfly and had people sign in them. Before we knew it, the idea to have a wishing tree was born. It turned out spectacular, as people signed their well wishes on beautifully cut cardstock in many different colors, which already had the ribbon tied to the paper, ready to be strung onto the manzanita branches (I glued on the fuchsia colored dried freeze orchids to add a little bit of that pop she wanted). 

River rocks were ordered and purchased and we used the large ones for the wishing tree, while the smaller rocks went into our 13 centerpiece vases. White alstroemeria flower were placed in the vases and water was added to float the ivory candle.

The cake table was decorated with the same jute runner that was placed on every guest table. She went with Minia's Bake Shop in Newark, CA and chose a 2-tiered chocolate flavored cake with fresh strawberries. One hundred beautifully decorated cupcakes flavored with a Filipino favorite of ube mocha macapuno stood on a 4-tier cupcake stand, which sat behind the main wedding cake. 

Donna also requested her Mickey and Minnie wedding hats she had purchased during her bachelorette trip to the "Happiest Place on Earth" be displayed to the side so that they could put them on before cutting their cake.

What a cute picture that turned out to be!


The night continued on with her family showering the newly married couple with love, smiles, laughter and lots of dancing. A big fan of not only Disneyland but Hello Kitty, she couldn't resist the adorable pink Hello Kitty shoes she danced the night away in.

It was a pleasure working with a couple devoted to each other no matter the distance. And with Leo making a move to the Bay Area, what a great way to celebrate the upcoming holidays with his new wifey. Here's to the their "Ever After..."

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dizon

Shout out to the following vendors (whom we had the pleasure working with):
Accommodations - Courtyard Marriott, Pleasant Hill
PhotographerShaneil Deo
Transportation – Excel Limo Service
Videographer - Capture It All Weddings

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ken and Barbie Wedding Pics

I couldn’t stop giggling over these Barbie & Ken Wedding pics

Congratulations to the bride & groom, the world’s most iconic plastic couple!

Pictures taken by French photographer Beatrice de Guigne



Thursday, September 1, 2011

Marriage Partnershi​p: For The Fun of It

Excerpt from Kyria's Marriage Partnership


This past weekend my husband and I hit the World Series of Drag Racing. It was two extremely loud, rocket-fast days of hot rod cars and heat.

Anyone who knows me knows that anything to do with cars isn't on my bucket list. But my husband loves it, so I went. I did my best to be good-natured and positive about it, and I really did enjoy myself. And I thought several of the cars were wicked too, similar to this one or this one.

I have to admit, I had a good time. And the best part was that from the drag strip we traveled to Galena, a quaint historic town filled with tea shops and a great bookstore. Ah, paradise. And my hubby went along, good-natured and positive.

In short, we had a great weekend, traded off fun events, and enjoyed each other. That makes marriage fun. There's something amazing that happens when we say yes to our spouses. Here's an article that explores that more.

Also, do you feel as though you're spending too much time with the in-laws? One couple did, and here's what they did about it.

Live and love well this week!

Ginger Kolbaba

Editor, Kyria's Marriage Partnership

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Donna's Perfect Match

Before I post the WEDDING REALNESS blog of this past Saturday’s blissful wedding of Donna & Leo, I wanted to share a very moving and inspirational story of Donna’s cancer survival when she was only 9 years old. 

Here’s a newspaper post

And a video that was shared on The Filipino Channel last week:

I guess you can say that finding her “match” was a beautiful success….twice.

Here’s to love, blessings, and LIFE~

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Letlove Photography Turns ONE~

Tina here~

It's that time to feature one of C&C "Super Stars".  I've know this talented woman for over a decade now, starting back in the late 90's to be exact.  She has that spunk, and that all around friendliness, with that spark and outgoing vibe that sometimes I wish more people had in this world, including yours truly.  She knows exactly how to make you feel you're worth it and reminds you how valuable of a person you are.  And if you set your mind toward a goal, toward a dream, she lets you see how it can be achieved, just like her dream of capturing memories from her prized possession of a camera through the images she calls photographs. 

[caption id="attachment_574" align="aligncenter" width="199" caption="~beautiful in her soul & all around~"][/caption]

It doesn't amaze me that she has gained admirers with every shot taken and shared-she's knows her stuff. That's basically one of the strongest foundations toward building a successful business...your ability to maintain a long-term customer/client relationship, and she has that and more to create successes.  I seriously can go on and on and on about this chick, whom I've grown to love like a sister.  I've mentioned her name and shared her passion many times throughout my posts. And I'm gonna share her again with you all by having her step aside from her busy schedule.  As she celebrates Letlove Photography's one year anniversary this month of July, I wanted to join in on the party by having a Q&A session with the one and only Lileth D. Rau.  

A Q&A session with the remarkable Lileth of Letlove Photography

What brought you to where you are as a photographer?

Many things have brought me to where I am today, as a person, and as a photographer. I have participated and have had art as a part of my life since I was young, and it played a part of me especially through hard times.  I was always very shy to show or even tell people about it because I was pretty insecure about people's critiques especially my own.  Photography was a part of me growing up and I feel so lucky that it has made its way back in my life.  Back then, photography wasn't as accessible as it is now and I thank my husband Matt for buying me my first digital camera. =)


The most rewarding part is...

Getting "the shot" …the ones that make me feel all googly and excited about because it's the photograph that will remind them of their special day, the way they felt, and who they are.  Being the person who gets to experience their special day with them is one of the most enjoyable and rewarding part for me.  I get to be present, to feel and to document their day so that they can remember those moments all over again.  When I can see that my photo has impacted someone, even just a happy sigh of remembering and feeling, that's when I know I have accomplished something rewarding.

What is your most favorite lens and why?

I love prime lenses, and if I really have to pick one, it would be my 50mm- it shoots and sees as natural as what your eyes can see.  Through my eyes it just makes yummy images!


So far, the most memorable shoot or event that Letlove Photography took part of is...

So far it would be the proposal shoot. It was a tender moment, exciting, and so intimate. I kept saying to myself, "Wow, I was able to be a part of something so beautiful and I get to be the one to document those moments with my camera." It was a surreal feeling, and I'm going to hold on to that for a very long time.


If you could photograph anyone in the world, who would that person be and why?

I would have loved to be a part of the crew that shot the Royal Wedding. It’s such a fairy tale experience, Enchanting, and just plain exciting. Otherwise, it would be Johnny Depp or Matt Damon because they're my celebrity crushes. =)


What advice can you give to other people wanting to pursue a career like yours or any business?

Don't give up, keep hustling, work hard, learn, stay humble, be innovative, practice-practice-practice, and believe in your craft. I know it's hard, because I'm still trying to believe in mine. But the more you tell yourself that " I am amazing." Amazing things will happen.


What have you learned in just the 1 year you've been in business?

I can't believe it's been one year already. Crazy! Well, to answer that....there are always going to be hurdles to jump over, set backs, insecurities, unexpected moments that will make you think twice- but if you surround yourself with positive thoughts and supportive people, continue to work hard, believe in yourself and keep learning-success will follow.


What is your most favorite food to eat?

Steak and fries.


If you can be anywhere in the world, where would you be right at this moment?

Somewhere in Europe taking pictures.


What kind of legacy do you plan to leave with your family and friends who are dear to you?

If you infuse LOVE into everything, magical things can happen.  It's true!  Try it!  =)

Monday, July 11, 2011

"Marriage & Money" written by: Robert Kiyosaki

** Here's a great read for all of us...a reminder of how to stay commited to making Marriage and Money work in your relationship. It's inspired me and my husband, hope it does the same for you. Enjoy**


In the early 1980’s, I saw a cute blond and fell head over heels in love. That cute blond was Kim. We started dating, and eventually we got married. She’s the love of my life, my best friend, and the reason why I’m successful today. Over the years, our marriage has gotten stronger and better. I thank God for her everyday.

A lot of people see Kim and I today and think we’re happy because we’re rich. The reality is that when I met Kim, I was broke and a million dollars in debt after the failure of my first business selling rock and roll Velcro wallets. Thankfully, Kim stuck with me, and I know that Kim isn’t with me because of my money—and I’m not with her because of hers!

For many years, Kim and I struggled financially. In that respect, we were no different than many young couples. I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was stressful at times, but we worked together as a team, persevered, and had a plan.

According to a recent study by Utah State University, the biggest thing couples fight about is money. No surprise there. Money is important for happiness, health, and harmony. When you don’t have enough money to pay the bills, take care of your family, and have a little fun together, it’s a big stress. And it’s an even bigger stress when you know you don’t have enough because of financial mistakes made by one spouse or both.

Money is such a big stress that couples that fight about money more than once a week have a 30 percent higher chance of divorce.

It’s a shame that money causes people who once loved each other to break up. Usually, after asking people who share their stories a few pointed questions, I find that most breakups caused by money are a result of bad planning, poor financial intelligence, and unmet and unexpressed expectations.

Because a rich life is about more than just what’s in your bank account, I thought I’d share a few thoughts here on how to make marriage and money work.

Make a plan

When Kim and I were broke, we still knew where we were going. Each year, we’d sit down and write out our financial goals. For me, it was starting a financial education company, building businesses, and investing in oil and real estate. For Kim, it was building a substantial real estate portfolio.

Each month, we’d sit down and discuss what we were doing to accomplish those goals, encourage each other, and make adjustments as needed. Everything in our life was directed towards reaching our goals, which helped us with spending decisions, life choices, and commitments.

Most importantly, we communicated our goals, and there was a clear understanding of expectations on both sides.

Encourage independence

Since we were both broke when we got married, we depended on each other instead of one person depending on the other. I was no sugar daddy, and Kim wasn’t my sugar mama. Instead, we grew together.

Today, Kim and I have separate accounts, investments, and ventures. We’re both wealthy and don’t need each other. This makes it much easier to want each other. Because we each take care of our financial houses, it eliminates much stress and fighting.

Be a team

Even though we’re independent financially, we’re still a team and we know that as a team we share in each other’s problems and celebrate each other’s victories.

As a team, we communicate constantly, making changes as needed. I seek Kim for advice on my financial ventures, and she does the same. If there are problems, we help each other out. And like a team, we’re not competing against each other. We want to see each other win and we cheer each other on.

Increase your financial education

The first gift I ever bought Kim was a class on accounting. I knew her goal of becoming a real estate investor and I knew she’d need to know accounting. For years, we worked on our financial education, often reading books together, taking classes together, and attending seminars together. Now, we write books together, teach classes together, and give seminars together—and we’re still learning.

In a marriage, both partners need to be financially independent. This means both partners need to be financially intelligent and committed to always increasing financial education.

This has always been out goal as a couple, and today, because Kim is so smart financially, she’s independently wealthy.

Learn from mistakes (and laugh)

Finally, understand that life is a journey. Many couples have a hard time with financial mistakes because they have the expectation that hard times won’t or shouldn’t come. Every couple faces hard financial times. It’s your response to them as a couple that will make or break your marriage.

For Kim and I, we always looked at our setbacks as learning opportunities. And because we were a team, we tackled those problems together—and learned from them together.

Also, we laughed together a lot. Kim is my best friend. When life get’s hard, it also often gets absurd. If you can’t stand back with your best friend and laugh at the difficulties and absurdities of life, you’re screwed.

One of the best ways to get financially smarter is to take mistakes as learning opportunities and to stay positive and good humored together.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Hazel Aleman ~ Togetherness

What more can I say about these two “unneys” who have become very special and important people in my life.  Their unity into one became official on Saturday, May 28, 2011 in San Ramon, California.  Introducing my dear friends Hazel Arlan Aleman and Jose Aleman. 

Photo taken by Augie Chang Photography

A FRIEND'S PERSPECTIVE: Looking through old photographs and film strips taken with my non-digital camera back then, it's easy to recollect as far as over a decade ago, when we all started to hang out as one big group of friends, who then became inseparable through the years.  From the nights after work and school, driving 45 minutes away to kick it for a couple hours, and laughing at jokes until our stomach hurts, these are memories treasured for a lifetime.


Hazel's birthday 2004
As the years passed and we continued to make the most of our time together as friends by planning out our fun adventures, (as matron of honor Lileth mentioned in her speech) an undercover love blossomed in the midst of all this.  And from then on, Jose and Hazel stayed in love, keeping each other company only to make it a permanent promise of forever and "Togetherness" before their family and friends on May 28, 2011.

It's hard to put it into words how much their different personalities compliment each other.  It helps them realize another side of them undiscovered, and it's just simply beautiful. I can't be happier for these two and the steps they've made in their relationship and personal lives.

Happy Engagement June 2009

A WEDDING PLANNER'S PERSPECTIVE: When Hazel asked us to help coordinate this wedding, we couldn't be more ecstatic to help create their orange "togetherness" theme into something they've always dreamed about.  I'll admit we were a little shocked of the estimated guest count (an army of over "300").  But we weren't reluctant at all, because we knew this could challenge us for the better, and we wanted that drive to help build our C&C portfolio. Courtney & I were honored that they asked us for assistance.

We started 5 months prior to the wedding date, and Hazel pretty much had everything in order. She had her vendors all lined up, and her vision mapped out in her head. She did a great job following timelines and in knowing what she wanted.  We noticed that in the midst of all the planning, some minor details weren't thoroughly decided on and she surprised herself and was thankful that we were there to step in.  Weeks and then months would pass, and so did hundreds of emails exchanged between us, the bride and groom and their vendors, changing, adding, and confirming anything leading to their big day.

It all came down to the wire a couple weeks before the wedding. Hazel's nerves were calm, and we did our best to help keep them that way.  As they both continued to recite their moves for their special first dance in their heads, Courtney & I continued to dance around the production of this wedding, making the flow as fun as possible, and of course keeping things in tact and ready to go.  For me, it was time for a double-duty role of a bridesmaid and maintaining my C&C stature.  Minor "road blocks" (literally), and unusual Memorial holiday weekend weather played factors in the little challenges that we ran into.  But overall, the pleasure of orchestrating this huge wedding turned out better than expected for our clients and their family and friends and especially for us.  And the satisfaction and smiles on the faces of all in attendance is all we could ever ask for.  It turned out to be a beautiful success.

Speaking of beautiful, Hazel was stunning in her Sophia Tolli bridal gown, which she purchased at Trudy's Brides in Campbell, CA. Her long black hair bunned to the side with two exotic orange/yellow cymbidium orchid flowers clipped to her hair.  Her semi-cascade bouquet of orange callas exquisitely accented her beautiful gown - no doubt. It was just insanely gorgeous! 

Photo taken by Augie Chang Photography

To match her color theme, her matron of honors wore a burnt orange colored poly chiffon Jasmine Belsoie one shoulder gown, while her bridesmaids showed off their one shoulder, iridescent chiffon Venus knee-length dresses in an orange burnt color as well. In hand, the ladies carried a bright colored bouquet of orange and red roses in full bloom to radiate any room.

Photo taken by Augie Chang Photography

Jose, the handsome groom, held it together wearing a sand/tan colored suit rented at Selix (which in return gave 10% back to their church). Jose suit was matched with a white collared shirt and white tie, accompanied with a simple orange calla boutonniere. The best men and groomsmen wore the same exact colored suit from Selix as well, but with a burnt orange tie. To make it enjoyable, all the guys, including the groom switched up their black dress shoes after the ceremony, to their Converse brown Chucks, a gift from Jose.

Photo taken by Augie Chang Photography

At the wedding reception, everyone enjoyed themselves from the moment they entered the Canyon View Dining Hall. Reunions, hugs and conversations of playing "catch-up" among family and friends were positioned at every corner of the room. The line to the cash bar extended its way toward the center of the room, and while hors d'oeuvres were passed around, people wasted no time to get a sample.

Photo taken by Abraham Arriola

The sign-in area was beautifully decorated with elegant orange cymbidium orchids and the couple's pictures in all sizes displayed on the sign-in table and on Canyon View's baby grand piano. As an added decor, Hazel was given 50 orange ribbon cranes as a wedding gift from her friend Theresa Kuo. She had them on bbq sticks so they stood upright in a vase. The ribbon cranes represented friendship, which was easily viewed as another theme throughout the room.

Photo taken by Abraham Arriola

Hazel had gotten her seating chart with guest names and table #'s printed at Kinko's. Guest tables #'s represented all the places Hazel & Jose traveled together for the past 7 years that they've been together.  With 31 tables, we wanted to make it easy for their guests to know where in the room they were sitting. So Courtney creatively put together a map of the tables onto a poster board.  From the seating chart, guests walked a couple steps to find out where their table was located in the banquet hall by using our table chart.

Photo taken by RichWayDidHeGo

Photo taken by RichWayDidHeGo

The night continued on until 11:30 pm.  The wedding was filled with so much love, tears of happiness, groovy entertainment, touching speeches, delicious food and desserts, dances, and all that good stuff in between to commemorate the devotion and joy this couple brings to many people in their lives.

Photo taken by Augie Chang Photography

C&C couldn't have been more lucky to work with such a darling couple such as Hazel and Jose (we thank them from the bottom of our hearts).  And now they embark the journey together, married hand-in-hand, in love with life, God, family, friends...which all equals their TOGETHERNESS theme for all the years to come.

Photo taken by Augie Chang Photography

** MANY THANKS to Courtney for running the day-of logistics and setting up the ceremony and reception. I know it wasn't easy work, but you made it happen so big-ups to you girl! 

Photo taken by Abraham Arriola

Special shout outs to Lionel & Jay (C&C's better halves) in helping with the set-up of 334 name cards, programs, favors, etc...and making sure our blueprint was to a tee.  Props to our friends who pulled through when asked for help in certain areas. You guys rock!

Shout out to the following vendors (whom we had the pleasure working with):

Officiant: Pastor Reuel Calica of Faith Bible Church, Vallejo, California

Photographers: Augie Chang and Chantel of Augie Chang Photography

Videographer: Jesse Garrison and team of Shakewell Productions

Photobooth and Uplighting: SF Photobooth/Denon & Doyle Event Entertainment

Music: Groovetek's DJ Curt Fong and Emcee Ervin Ramos

Linens: Hartmann Studios

Flowers/Centerpieces: Nicole Ha of Floral & Event Design

Stationery: Wenda of The Pulp Studio

Cake/Cupcakes: Dannielle Nogaliza

Photo Montage: Angelica Siador

Tuxedo Rentals: Selix

Dresses: Trudy's Brides

Hair: Kimberly Prado (

Make-up: Tiffany Vu

Choreographer: Maricha Dagcuta

Entourage Shuttle Bus: Napa Valley Transportation

Ceremony/Reception site: Sabrina & staff at Canyon View Dining Hall

Accommodations: San Ramon Marriott


 Photo taken by Augie Chang Photography

~ Happily Ever After ~

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why We Need Anniversaries

Excerpt from Kyria's Marriage Partnership

Traditionally, June has been the most popular month for weddings. Which means it's pretty popular for anniversaries too!
And while anniversaries are a great time to celebrate with dinner out (no kids, thank you very much) or a nice trip (my friend is spending her 25th anniversary at Walt Disney World), it's really about more than that.
Anniversaries are a great opportunity to look back at your journey and see God's hand at work alongside you. Over and over in the Old Testament, God calls his people to remember and recount their history and God's faithfulness. Your marriage is a story, too, that God wants you to remember and build on.

To help get you started, check out our article, "Why We Need Anniversaries." And as you think back on your own wedding, be glad that you weren't married during medieval times. Many weddings happened in June back then because that's when the annual bath typically was—so the bride and groom would still smell relatively fresh!
Also, as you reminisce, consider interactive journaling as a great way to communicate with your beloved. Here's an article that tells of the power of using this creative method to share thoughts, conflicts, and joys.
Live and love well this week!
Ginger Kolbaba
Editor, Kyria's Marriage Partnership

Sunday, April 17, 2011

RSVP @ Your Own Risk

Tina here

Wedding RSVP cards play an important role in planning for the big day.  It helps the bride and groom know who plans to attend their wedding, and how many guests in that family or party are to attend.  And not only that, but the response card may include what the guest has checked off as their choice of entrée.

But why is there such a lack of people who RSVP?  Whether it’d be for a birthday party, baby shower, and yes, even your weddings get ducked out by RSVP notices. People say it’s rude and inconsiderate to those planning the event. In some other cases, it might be that a guest(s) can’t commit to that day, or they’ve misplaced the invitation and RSVP card. Alright, understandable. And for some, it just may be the lack of knowledge of even knowing or understanding what RSVP stands for (like me, who did her own research as curiosity struck when I once received an invitation years ago).  So for your convenience, here’s a little schooling session for ya:

According to MyWeddingPlanningTips, RSVP stands for the French phrase “Répondez s’il vous plait”, meaning “respond if you please”.  Plain and simple, right?

Vivid BloomsAccording to, response cards weren’t part of an invitation. Once an invitation was received, it was up to the receiver to jot their response on their own stationery of whether or not they’ll be able to attend and include a congratulatory note while they’re at it.  Back then, it was probably just a few cents for postage (today from USPS: First-class stamp = $0.44; Postcard Stamp = $0.28). 

It's ok, I'm not pointing any fingers.  But don't act like you never failed to send in a response card before it's due date, at least to one invite.  I’ll admit that I’ve been guilty for forgetting to RSVP in a timely manner.  But as I was prepping my wedding guest list a couple years ago, I totally understood why it was so essential to receive these RSVP cards.

Let’s face it, sometimes we all get lazy, but just think how much it’ll help the couple keep track of who is attending or not. Let’s do our part to make that easier for them as they plan for their special day.

And brides, don’t let this stress you out in any way. Keep it easy and minimal, and don’t forget to pre-stamp the response cards. Happy Planning~

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Here I am.. a wedding planner who is engaged to be married and planning her own wedding.  WHAT ARE THE ODDS?!?!?  I'm guessing.. pretty high?  Haha!  Well, it's a first for me so I'm pretty juiced!  My fiance and I are banking on early June 2012 because, unfortunately, we're "at that age."  By that, I mean my original hopes were to get married in May 2012, but UNFORTUNATELY, everybody my age is itchin' to get married, too, and my wedding would be competing with three others already scheduled for that timeframe!  Whose fault is that?  My fiance's, of course.  Why?  I don't know, but I'm sure I'll find a reason.

So, 14 months away and we just confirmed our reception venue!  Actually, I wasn't even engaged 5 days before I dragged my fiance to 2 venue visits.  About 6 or 7 venues and 1 month later, here we are... $500 less in our pockets, and 3 Fridays softly held in June 2012 ;-)  After seeing some extremely fun and original galleries, film studios and outdoor tents, we decided to go with an old airplane hangar from WWII turned warehouse winery!


Tah-Dah!!  See it??

This photo was taken on my way into the city for work - right before hitting the Treasure Island tunnel.  The shadow of the head w/ the ears isn't me - it's our casual carpooler (name unknown).  But he appears to enjoy taking in the sites just as much as yours truly.

The winery, however, isn't what you think.  There is obviously no breathtaking patchwork vineyard, no picture perfect rolling hills, and no intimidating sommelier requesting you to sniff inside your glass causing you to fake like you know what you're sniffing for.  No-sir-ee, Bob.  Your view consists of the killer postcard-worthy San Francisco skyline and... the Bay Bridge eastern span construction.  Haha!  Not a pretty sight right now, but hopefully won't be such an eyesore by June 2012.

The winery interior is just as you would imagine of a 60+ warehouse - bare, rustic and romantic.  That's what drew us to the venue.  That, and tons o' parking.  But with such a vast blank canvas, the dude we met with (Nick) helped us visualize the reception of our dreams that wouldn't dent our wallets (too painfully, anyway).   With such a clean and simple venue, we knew it'd also benefit us in the decor department - not much would be needed because its beauty really speaks volumes:

We're going to try and keep it as simple as possible with what fundage we have left.  The only thing we DO know is we're going to make this night as F-U-N as humanly possible.  I won't divulge anything right now, but stay tuned as the planning continues.  Who knows how many posts I can make in the next 14 months?!?!?  We shall see.

Thanks for reading!  It's been a pleasure =P

Courtney... OUT!

P.S. For more information on the venues mentioned above (gallery | studio | tent), please ask!  They didn't fit our needs, but they just might fit yours =)