Sunday, July 24, 2011

Letlove Photography Turns ONE~

Tina here~

It's that time to feature one of C&C "Super Stars".  I've know this talented woman for over a decade now, starting back in the late 90's to be exact.  She has that spunk, and that all around friendliness, with that spark and outgoing vibe that sometimes I wish more people had in this world, including yours truly.  She knows exactly how to make you feel you're worth it and reminds you how valuable of a person you are.  And if you set your mind toward a goal, toward a dream, she lets you see how it can be achieved, just like her dream of capturing memories from her prized possession of a camera through the images she calls photographs. 

[caption id="attachment_574" align="aligncenter" width="199" caption="~beautiful in her soul & all around~"][/caption]

It doesn't amaze me that she has gained admirers with every shot taken and shared-she's knows her stuff. That's basically one of the strongest foundations toward building a successful business...your ability to maintain a long-term customer/client relationship, and she has that and more to create successes.  I seriously can go on and on and on about this chick, whom I've grown to love like a sister.  I've mentioned her name and shared her passion many times throughout my posts. And I'm gonna share her again with you all by having her step aside from her busy schedule.  As she celebrates Letlove Photography's one year anniversary this month of July, I wanted to join in on the party by having a Q&A session with the one and only Lileth D. Rau.  

A Q&A session with the remarkable Lileth of Letlove Photography

What brought you to where you are as a photographer?

Many things have brought me to where I am today, as a person, and as a photographer. I have participated and have had art as a part of my life since I was young, and it played a part of me especially through hard times.  I was always very shy to show or even tell people about it because I was pretty insecure about people's critiques especially my own.  Photography was a part of me growing up and I feel so lucky that it has made its way back in my life.  Back then, photography wasn't as accessible as it is now and I thank my husband Matt for buying me my first digital camera. =)


The most rewarding part is...

Getting "the shot" …the ones that make me feel all googly and excited about because it's the photograph that will remind them of their special day, the way they felt, and who they are.  Being the person who gets to experience their special day with them is one of the most enjoyable and rewarding part for me.  I get to be present, to feel and to document their day so that they can remember those moments all over again.  When I can see that my photo has impacted someone, even just a happy sigh of remembering and feeling, that's when I know I have accomplished something rewarding.

What is your most favorite lens and why?

I love prime lenses, and if I really have to pick one, it would be my 50mm- it shoots and sees as natural as what your eyes can see.  Through my eyes it just makes yummy images!


So far, the most memorable shoot or event that Letlove Photography took part of is...

So far it would be the proposal shoot. It was a tender moment, exciting, and so intimate. I kept saying to myself, "Wow, I was able to be a part of something so beautiful and I get to be the one to document those moments with my camera." It was a surreal feeling, and I'm going to hold on to that for a very long time.


If you could photograph anyone in the world, who would that person be and why?

I would have loved to be a part of the crew that shot the Royal Wedding. It’s such a fairy tale experience, Enchanting, and just plain exciting. Otherwise, it would be Johnny Depp or Matt Damon because they're my celebrity crushes. =)


What advice can you give to other people wanting to pursue a career like yours or any business?

Don't give up, keep hustling, work hard, learn, stay humble, be innovative, practice-practice-practice, and believe in your craft. I know it's hard, because I'm still trying to believe in mine. But the more you tell yourself that " I am amazing." Amazing things will happen.


What have you learned in just the 1 year you've been in business?

I can't believe it's been one year already. Crazy! Well, to answer that....there are always going to be hurdles to jump over, set backs, insecurities, unexpected moments that will make you think twice- but if you surround yourself with positive thoughts and supportive people, continue to work hard, believe in yourself and keep learning-success will follow.


What is your most favorite food to eat?

Steak and fries.


If you can be anywhere in the world, where would you be right at this moment?

Somewhere in Europe taking pictures.


What kind of legacy do you plan to leave with your family and friends who are dear to you?

If you infuse LOVE into everything, magical things can happen.  It's true!  Try it!  =)

Monday, July 11, 2011

"Marriage & Money" written by: Robert Kiyosaki

** Here's a great read for all of us...a reminder of how to stay commited to making Marriage and Money work in your relationship. It's inspired me and my husband, hope it does the same for you. Enjoy**


In the early 1980’s, I saw a cute blond and fell head over heels in love. That cute blond was Kim. We started dating, and eventually we got married. She’s the love of my life, my best friend, and the reason why I’m successful today. Over the years, our marriage has gotten stronger and better. I thank God for her everyday.

A lot of people see Kim and I today and think we’re happy because we’re rich. The reality is that when I met Kim, I was broke and a million dollars in debt after the failure of my first business selling rock and roll Velcro wallets. Thankfully, Kim stuck with me, and I know that Kim isn’t with me because of my money—and I’m not with her because of hers!

For many years, Kim and I struggled financially. In that respect, we were no different than many young couples. I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was stressful at times, but we worked together as a team, persevered, and had a plan.

According to a recent study by Utah State University, the biggest thing couples fight about is money. No surprise there. Money is important for happiness, health, and harmony. When you don’t have enough money to pay the bills, take care of your family, and have a little fun together, it’s a big stress. And it’s an even bigger stress when you know you don’t have enough because of financial mistakes made by one spouse or both.

Money is such a big stress that couples that fight about money more than once a week have a 30 percent higher chance of divorce.

It’s a shame that money causes people who once loved each other to break up. Usually, after asking people who share their stories a few pointed questions, I find that most breakups caused by money are a result of bad planning, poor financial intelligence, and unmet and unexpressed expectations.

Because a rich life is about more than just what’s in your bank account, I thought I’d share a few thoughts here on how to make marriage and money work.

Make a plan

When Kim and I were broke, we still knew where we were going. Each year, we’d sit down and write out our financial goals. For me, it was starting a financial education company, building businesses, and investing in oil and real estate. For Kim, it was building a substantial real estate portfolio.

Each month, we’d sit down and discuss what we were doing to accomplish those goals, encourage each other, and make adjustments as needed. Everything in our life was directed towards reaching our goals, which helped us with spending decisions, life choices, and commitments.

Most importantly, we communicated our goals, and there was a clear understanding of expectations on both sides.

Encourage independence

Since we were both broke when we got married, we depended on each other instead of one person depending on the other. I was no sugar daddy, and Kim wasn’t my sugar mama. Instead, we grew together.

Today, Kim and I have separate accounts, investments, and ventures. We’re both wealthy and don’t need each other. This makes it much easier to want each other. Because we each take care of our financial houses, it eliminates much stress and fighting.

Be a team

Even though we’re independent financially, we’re still a team and we know that as a team we share in each other’s problems and celebrate each other’s victories.

As a team, we communicate constantly, making changes as needed. I seek Kim for advice on my financial ventures, and she does the same. If there are problems, we help each other out. And like a team, we’re not competing against each other. We want to see each other win and we cheer each other on.

Increase your financial education

The first gift I ever bought Kim was a class on accounting. I knew her goal of becoming a real estate investor and I knew she’d need to know accounting. For years, we worked on our financial education, often reading books together, taking classes together, and attending seminars together. Now, we write books together, teach classes together, and give seminars together—and we’re still learning.

In a marriage, both partners need to be financially independent. This means both partners need to be financially intelligent and committed to always increasing financial education.

This has always been out goal as a couple, and today, because Kim is so smart financially, she’s independently wealthy.

Learn from mistakes (and laugh)

Finally, understand that life is a journey. Many couples have a hard time with financial mistakes because they have the expectation that hard times won’t or shouldn’t come. Every couple faces hard financial times. It’s your response to them as a couple that will make or break your marriage.

For Kim and I, we always looked at our setbacks as learning opportunities. And because we were a team, we tackled those problems together—and learned from them together.

Also, we laughed together a lot. Kim is my best friend. When life get’s hard, it also often gets absurd. If you can’t stand back with your best friend and laugh at the difficulties and absurdities of life, you’re screwed.

One of the best ways to get financially smarter is to take mistakes as learning opportunities and to stay positive and good humored together.