Monday, August 16, 2010

Valdez-Barillaro Ceremony

...and several years after they officially met, they were married.  I'm talking about our friends Thomas and Michelle Barillaro.  They took their comittment into God's hands, received a blessing of a lifetime and vowed in marriage on August 7, 2010 at St. Basil's Church in Vallejo, California.  It was a sweet ceremony with some giggles, tears, lots of smiles & joy...all that filled the church at 2:30 PM on a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon.   

Michelle is naturally beautiful, but there was something about her glow as she walked down the aisle along side her parents and approached her love Thomas.  Being a bride, perhaps? Maybe so, but possibly it could be because this was a long time coming for this couple. Her glow signified a deep love they have together--a treasure noone can ever comprehend.

Being engaged for a few years and having gone through so much together, while also bringing into the world their adorable daughter Skye Lauren 2 years ago, this was definitely a wedding their family and friends have been looking forward to for a while. And after they made their promises before God and everyone in attendance, it was truly a lovely scene to see them walk back up the aisle hand in hand as Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Michelle Barillaro.

Reception details to come...

"...for where your treasure is, there your heart will also be."  Matthew 6:21

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