Thursday, August 12, 2010

We Reveal...

"A dream becomes a goal the moment you write it down. A goal becomes a plan the moment you break it down into doable steps. A plan becomes a reality only when you take action." - Marshall Sylver

I just heard someone screamed “ACTION!”

It’s been a few months now that we’ve been collectively working on our website.  With the starting help from Joanne (Duka), we continued to edit the site with our own personal touches.  Courtney did a lot, if not MOST of the work in editing, adding stylish pages, learning the different tools and trends of creating a website.  A magical process, I must say.  While I kept up with the blog, we worked and tag-teamed a lot of the things we wanted to feature on our site. Courtney really did an exceptional job with (“how do you like that as a revealing moment, Let?”).  :)

Yes, that’s right…we want to reveal to you

We know hard work can pay off eventually (and we have no doubt in our hearts that it will).  But we feel it started to already. Just the fact that we sit here and have taken a step forward to venturing off into a dream of our own, it’s an incredible feeling—a sense of accomplishment toward our purpose on this Earth.

We welcome you to visit, browse through, and spread the word to family & friends, especially to those looking for a little help, or a lot of help with their wedding. Nothing’s too small, nor to big to make your visions of a dream wedding come true.

Thank you to those who have patiently been waiting...and even thanks to those who are now in the know and have visited this blog and our website. We’re proud to be a part of this beginning, and will be more proud to be a part of yours. 

Be on the lookout for C&C Engagement's Facebook page...bringing you real life stories, ideas, pictures and all sorts of relational/engagements/wedding/marriage related chatter.


~stay tuned for photos from this past weekend's Purple wedding of our friends Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Michelle Barillaro (congratulations!)~


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